Frangula californica
Coffeeberry is a medium to large shrub, with deep green, soft pointed leaves that stays evergreen. This plant does well near a water source or in cooler, moister conditions such as Julian. It likes some rich, loamy soil with a decent layer of mulch. It can do well in rocky and decomposed granite too.
In the garden, this shrub is used most commonly for its elegant, evergreen leaves and its neat growing habit. Its a very well structured plant that doesn’t need much pruning or maintenance, so long as it is given the right location. Does well around oak trees, because its pretty tolerant of shade. Does well with supplemental irrigation. This plant will do really well with deep summer water, while many other natives will end up root rotting. The flowers are pretty tiny and inconspicuous, but they are loved by bees. The berries that emerge after blooming will be a fan favorite for birds in your area. A great, consistent, reliable shrub that should be used more often. Comes in a variety of sizes. Ed Holm is your lowest growing, very hard to find and more difficult to grow. Leatherleaf is probably the most dependable but not the most favored because its leaves are very curled. Eves Case is tallest and most popular because the leaves are flat, glossy and pointed.